Our story starts, where others finish...
At Alusid, we proudly make use of unwanted manufacturing materials that others discard. Taking these materials, we put them through an ingenious, environmentally low-impact process to give them a new lease of life.
The result is a special new material that combines recycled glass and porcelain, to create beautiful solid surfaces and tiles that are bespoke in character and respectful of the planet.
Never less than 98% recycled materials.
Launched in 2015, Alusid is the result of a research project at the University of Central Lancashire. Setting out to explore ways in which waste and low-value materials destined for landfill could be repurposed into beautiful, versatile surface materials, Professor David Binns and Dr Alasdair Bremner developed Silicastone – an innovative and aesthetically versatile architectural surface material made from glass, ceramics and mineral waste.