Take a peek into the wonderful world of Serena Confalonieri.

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati
Let’s start the week with a glimpse into the style and irony that characterise Serena Confalonieri's studio.
A kaleidoscopic world, inhabited by some of her self-produced collections - including her Calypso glasses and Arabesque vases - and by pieces designed for renowned furniture companies - Kyma trays for Sambonet, Rainy and Starlight wallpapers for Wall&Decò, Tropicana suspension lamp for Houtique, Foliage mirror for VetrofusoDaniela Poletti, Afra for Coin Casa Design, Panoramica plaid for Lanificio Leo, Twiggyrugs for Mohebban, Scott and Talia fabrics for l'Opificio, coffee tables from the Yokocollection for Medulum, Island poufs and Ring coffee tables for Saba, Mia vases for Mason Editions and Baba armchair for My Home Collection.

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati

Serena Confalonieri @ Studio - Ph Andrea Agrati